Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

0/9 nodes are available: 9 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict

When deploying a kubernetes application and a pod displays an event with

0/9 nodes are available: 9 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict

There are two common reasons for this.


HMAC Examples in API Connect

Recently when visiting a customer, they were wanting a custom policy that could be used to do HMAC validation of payloads.

In brief HMAC is a tool to verify a payload programmatically. When the payload is passed it a signature is attached, in this case in a header. The HMAC algorithm then uses a secret key to generate the digest and that is compared against the signature passed.

OCP Router Debug Logs

I have spent years trying to find out how to get better logging from the OCP router. I am not going to steal credit, but go to this blog, its amazing! https://alexandre-vazquez.com/how-to-enable-access-logs-on-openshift-default-routes/


OpenShift Pipeline - Publish APIC

I have been asked almost daily for the last few weeks what is my preferred CICD took or process. My answer is always the same, given APIC has a rest interface the best tool is the one the team know.


Simplifying Network Comms to help debug ingress traffic.

Recently at a client we were hit with a high latency connection. In order to prove this was not a problem with API Connect we decided to execute a curl command as close to the datapower as possible.


Changing the storage class for a running Platform Navigator to allow

The Platform Navigator has a requirement for two types of PVC. One of these is RWX and RWO. For many customers these can both be backed onto RWX but occasionally the RWX is not fast enough. One sympton of this is site unavailable error messages.

By default, the PN install puts both PVCs into RWX. This article will cover how to change the storage class and assumes you have a single running Platform Navigator already.


Slow Start in Kubernetes

“Slow Start” patterns are convenient when a POD is ready to receive traffic, but we may want to only send a small workload of traffic until we have established that it is ready to receive all traffic.



Error: CALL recursive depth too deep

One of the reasons my blog doesn’t have so many updates is that I don’t often find new problems.

The another reason is due to APAR https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/LI82702


Readiness when restarting API GW Pods

The API Gateway consists of one or more DataPower pods. These are listed as Ready in the pod list. This article explains what we mean by ready.
