This blog is my notebook. In here I will put quick minor things that I have found out how to do, longer articles on how to do more challenging things and other ramblings about tech usually in the API Space.

  • By day I am a WorldWide SWAT Cloud Integration Architect for IBM
  • By evening I am father of four amazing girls and a keen board gamer
  • By night I am a partial insomiac who likes to play with crazy tech ideas.
  • "You are also an awesome brother to three awesome siblings (feel free to quote me in your bio!)" - Lucy Phillips

  • Currently I am focusing on APIs and OpenShift kubernetes deployments. I have a number of assets that are released on my github account, issues and pull requests welcome.

    My home lab consists of an OpenShift environment running home automations systems to control my house

    All opinions expressed here are very much my own or of the author of the article, not those of IBM.