In API Connect and we can register sub systems without the need for an external load balancer. This is only possible for Kubernetes, OpenShift and CloudPak for Integration.

This is useful where it is not desired to have traffic between the manager and the subcomponents go through the external ingress.

To enable this on registration, you must provide the kubernetes svc url instead of using an external URL.

To do this 1 Get a list of all services and take a note of the ones highlighted in red. You may have a different prefix (small) or none.


2 For my set up its these three example entries, but yours may be different.

Component URL format Example
Gateway gw-svc.namespace.svc small-gw.apiconnect.svc
A7s a7s-svc.namespace.svc small-a7s.apiconnect.svc
Portal portal-svc.namespace.svc small-portal.apiconnect.svc

3 When you register the subcomponents you use these end points for the internal management/director endpoints.

That’s it! When the registration completes the internal routes will be used.