VMWARE ESXI is a free VMWare hosting system. The primary differences between this and the full vSphere are support, limit to one host and no of supported cpus.

TLDR : Use (Rufus)[https://rufus.ie] on Windows not DD or anything else.

In order to install it you need to download an ISO burn it to a USB and install it on boot like a new OS.

The list of errors i saw were.

  • USB not booting
  • Failed to load COM32 file mboot.c32
  • Menu.c32: not a COM32R error when trying to install

After multiple disks, multiple images lots of swearing using DD and Etcher I did a hail mary. I installed a Windows VM and used (Rufus)[https://rufus.ie].

!(Rufus Icon)[/images/rufus.png]

The only way I got this Working. Rufus is a Windows only ISO to USB tool. As a Mac/linux user I had to install Windows into VMWareFusion and go from there.

Yes this is a crappy solution if you are not a Windows user (like me), it was even more crappy when i decided to move away from VMWare to Poxmon two hours later because I had two hosts… Post on this coming shortly.