Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

Applying API Governance Part 2 – How do I optimize my teams and infrastructure to provide the best API factory with decentralised teams?

This is part two of a series on how to apply governance in API Connect. Governance is sometimes considered a taboo topic because when people imagine governance, they see red tape that stifles progress. If governance is designed properly it can provide a single approach for all parts of the project with minimal impact on the development rate.

A question I often am asked is “How do we split out our API Connect estate in order to meet the need of our development teams?” The answer is always, “How does your development organization work today?”. This article will provide you with a strategy for splitting your development effort and API Connect estate when working with decentralised teams for the API Manager only.


New Theme!

There has been a facelift!


Setting the DataPower Password on deployment using ExtraValueFiles

Using K8s Secrets it is possible to set the DataPower so it does not use the default admin/admin password on deployment. This is true for both v10 and v2018. However it is a little known secret.


DataPower and MQ in Docker on your laptop

A question I am regularly asked is how do I make DataPower and MQ run on my laptop together, This guide gives you a step by step guide to get the basics up and running. This is a skunkworks environment only


Using the APIC CLI to create a subscription

APIC can be fully driven by its CLI and Rest Interface


Using the APIC CLI to create an application

APIC can be fully driven by its CLI and Rest Interface


Applying API Governance Part 1 :: How can consumers find the right APIs?

API proliferation is a real problem, though you plan to slowly ramp up your API development it is often the case that you have 20 to 50 to 100 APIs before you expect. This article provides a series of strategies to simplify API Discovery.


APIConnect v10 - Programmatically inviting a new user to a consumer org.

I have recently been asked by two customers how they can bulk register a number of user. There are two ways of doing this. Either by sending out an invitations or by creating the user accounts. Though both of these are listed below I recommend that only member invitations are used as it means that passwords are not exposed.


APIConnect v10 - White Paper and Deployment Guide

The API Connect White Paper I produced for v2018 was often described as the bible for new users and experienced users. 16 months on, I have had more than one customer asking me to sign their paper and lots of free beer I am humbled by the reception.

Today I am publishing the API Connect v10 White Paper this covers the new deployment patterns for v10 and all the good stuff we covered for v2018.


APIConnect v10 - Loading and Publishing an OpenAPI v3 specification.

To publish OpenAPIv3 APIs into API Connect you need to add some IBM tags to add the assembly function and you need a product.

Thanks to Mike Coletta for helping me with a work around
