Using K8s Secrets it is possible to set the DataPower so it does not use the default admin/admin password on deployment. This is true for both v10 and v2018. However it is a little known secret.

The following is taken from

  # In order to replace the default admin credentials, the new credentials should be configured via Secret and `.Values.datapower.adminUserSecret` must be set to the name of
  # the Secret containing the admin user's credentials
  # The following are properties which can be used to define the admin user's credentials:
  # - `password-hashed`: The hashed value (see Linux `man 3 crypt` for format) of the admin user's password. Required if `password` is not defined.
  # - `password`: The admin user's password. Required if `password-hashed` is not defined; ignored if `password-hashed` is defined.
  # - `salt`: The salt value used when hashing `password` (see `man 3 crypt`). Optional; ignored when `password-hashed` is defined. (Default: 12345678)
  # - `method`: The name of the hashing algorithm used to hash `password`. Valid options: md5, sha256. Optional; ignored when `password-hashed` is defined. (Default: md5)
  # The following examples create Secrets with different values, but result in an admin user with the same credentials (and the same password hash)
  #   kubectl create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password=helloworld --from-literal=salt=12345678 --from-literal=method=md5
  #   kubectl create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password=helloworld
  #   kubectl create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password-hashed='$1$12345678$8.nskQfP4gQ8tk5xw6Wa8/'
  # These two examples also result in Secrets with different values but identical admin credentials
  #   kubectl create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password=hunter2 --from-literal=salt=NaCl --from-literal=method=sha256
  #   kubectl create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password-hashed='$5$NaCl$aOrRVimQNvZ2ZLjnAyMvT3WgaUEXoWgwkgyBrhwIg04'
  # Notice that, when setting `password-hashed`, the value must be surrounded by single-quotes
  # In all of the examples above, `.Values.datapower.adminUserSecret` should be set to 'admin-credentials' for the admin user to be configured.
  1. Create the secret as described above
  2. Create or extend a file called dp-extravaluesfile.yaml in the APICUP project directory
  3. Add the following lines into the file
      adminUserSecret <name of secret>
  4. To add the extra values file to the APICUP config tun the following Command apicup subsys set <gwy> extra-values-file <path to dp-extravaluesfile.yaml>

  5. Run this command to install the helm chart apicup subsys install <gwy>