When using OCP licenses provided with IBM Cloud Pak for Integration it is recommended that CP4I is deployed to assigned worker nodes.

In order to ensure that CP4I is is only asigned to certain worker nodes you must complete the following steps.

  1. label the worker nodes oc label no <nodename> nodeuse=cp4i
  2. Annotate the namespace oc annotate namespace <namespace> OpenShift.io/node-selector='nodeuse=cp4i'

Now delete all pods in the namespaces and they will be recreated on the selected nodes. \

The second phase is to stop other namespaces deploying to the workeers designated as CP4I.

  1. Label the other worker nodes oc label no <nodename> nodeuse-general=true
  2. Create a cluster wide node select oc edit scheduler cluster Set the spec.defaultNodeSelector to nodeuse-general=true

Delete the pods running on the incorrect worker nodes and everything should spin up on the right nodes.

As we have used a different label key for the general label, we can set worker nodes to be used for both general and cp4i.