Notes shamelessly stolen from Mark Tayler for installing Mini Shift


Minishift is minikube’s equivalent for OpenShift. It can be installed locally on most operating systems.


On macOS

Note: These steps assume that you have already installed Homebrew and Docker Desktop Community.

  • You need a hypervisor and if you have Docker Desktop you will already have hyperkit. However, you will need to install docker-machine-driver-hyperkit in addition to this (just brew install docker-machine-driver-hyperkit).
  • Homebrew will give you some additional commands to execute during the install from the previous step that I did that before going any further. These are:
    sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/opt/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit/bin/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
    sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/opt/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit/bin/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
    brew services start docker-machine
  • You can now install Minishift using brew cask install minishift.
  • Start Minishift using minishift start --vm-driver=hyperkit.

Once installed…

After starting minishift, watch out for where it tells you how to access the web console, and how to log on… Example…

Server Information ...
OpenShift server started.
The server is accessible via web console at:
You are logged in as:
    User:     developer
    Password: <any value>
To login as administrator:
    oc login -u system:admin

For some reason, when I did a minishift stop followed by a minishift start, it did not repeat the information about who I was logged in as, or how to log in as administrator. You should probably make a note of those details. You can gain access to the CLI by executing eval $(minishift oc-env). You might want to try out the Quickstart to prove everything works.

On Windows

Take a look at —

When things go wrong!

Installing (Geraint)

The install was failing for me with a number of different errors. I forgot to make note of them at the time. One of the failures was something about not being able to find the VM’s IP address in a DHCP leases file. That led me to this Minikube issue. Following the instructions in there, substituting “Minikube” with “Minishift”, I was able to get it to install and start.

$ minishift stop
$ minishift delete
$ rm -fr ~/.minishift
$ minishift config set vm-driver hyperkit

The output from that last command was…

No Minishift instance exists. New 'vm-driver' setting will be applied on next 'minishift start'

When I restarted minishift (minishift start), it re-downloaded everything, and eventually started. Note, even though I do have Docker Desktop installed, I did run brew install hyperkit. Also, I tried a number of brew cask uninstall and brew uninstall, none of which made any difference.