I am writing this because I assume I am not the only idiot in the world. This has caused me to waste days of effort. Symptoms

Pods on the worker nodes are unable to connec to the API Server

Timeouts connecting to

But pods on the master (that may have been untainted) work fine.


When you kubeadm init you specify the pod-network-cidr. Ensure that the IP of your host/main network is not in the subnet that you refer.

i.e. If your network runs on 192.168.*.* use

If your network is on 10.0.*.* use

I forgot how subnets work and so I did not realise that was in the same subnet as In short when you use a 16 subnet marker it means use anything in 192.168.*.* .

As my network was running on 192.168.1.* the master was running ok on 192.168.0.* but my worker was failing to communicate because it was attempting to run on 192.168.1.* thus well causing routing issues on my box.

I hope this saves one other person some pain.

By Chris Phillips on November 24, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.