Occasionally we delete the wrong object from the wrong OCP cluster, at least I did. This caused the error above to occur.

If you are seeing the message above please firstly raise a PMR and follow the steps provided by IBM Support. What I am suggesting below may void supporting going forward and if done incorrectly may involve a complete reinstall.

  1. Get a list of all the zen clients oc get client -A | grep zenclient

  2. Delete all the zen clients in each namespace. oc delete client -n cp4ba-ent-01 zenclient-cp4ba-ent-01 & This process will not complete so you may need to ctrl+c to escape.

  3. In edit each zen client to remove the finalizer. oc edit client -n cp4ba-ent-01 zenclient-cp4ba-ent-01 then remove metadata.finalizer and its children

  4. Get a list of all the iam-config jobs oc get job -A | grep iam-config

  5. Delete these jobs

  6. Delete the zen operator pod oc get po -n ibm-common-services | grep ibm-zen-operator then oc delete po -n ibm-common-services ibm-zen-operator-7f99df767-4w8cq

  7. Have a coffee i.e. wait 5mins