One of the reasons my blog doesn’t have so many updates is that I don’t often find new problems.

The another reason is due to APAR

This week I am visiting a client and they showed me this error message. After much investigation (talking to half the engineering team) we confirmed this was due to a max depth limit in APIC.

In API Connect v10 there is a max number of policies allowed in an API. This is to stop an overly complex API from a malicious actor locking up a datapower.

The error message has the an error like below

  "httpCode": "500",
  "httpMessage":"Internal Server Error",
  "moreInformation":"CALL recursive depth too deep"

Out of the box we support 128 policies to be invoked in a single API Call. This can be increased by setting the var://service/max-call-depth vairable to 2048.

To override the service variables set the following code in a gatewayscript of the api. Use with extreme caution

var sm = require ('service-metadata');