When deploying API Connect with a Developer portal you specify the end point that end users must to connect to the developer portal. However some deployments require a subset of the developer portal sites to be accesible from a different hostname.


Public API Catalog developer.public.company.com

B2B API Catalog developer.b2b.company.com

If we assume that the developer portal was installed with the endpoint developer.public.company.com we need to create an additional ingress entry to allow the routing to developer.b2b.company.com.

To do this we need to extract the original ingress and then modify. The sample code below will extract the relievent parts of the original ingress.

cat > ingressjson.json <<EOF
  "apiVersion": "route.openshift.io/v1",
  "kind": "Route",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "apis-minim-62c733a3-portal-web",
    "namespace": "apic-v10-0"
  }, "spec":
oc get route apis-minim-62c733a3-portal-web  -ojson  | jq  ".spec" >> ingressjson.json
cat >>ingressjson.json <<EOF

Then edit the json file that has been extracted update the following values

  • metadata.name
  • metadata.namespace
  • spec.host

Then apply the oc apply -f ingressjson.json

Please Note: That as API Connect changes in the future this ingress file may need to be regenerated.