API Connect Gateways create a number of peering objeccts to ensure that everything is in sync between the cluster nodes.


If you wish to validate the status in kubernetes attach to each gateway pod

oc attach -ti <gateway pod name> -n <namespace>


kubectl attach -ti <gateway pod name> -n <namespace>

You will be prompted to login with your datapower credentials. If no secret is set on the Gateway Cluster CR the username and password is admin and admin. If this does not work look to see if there is a secret ending with gw-admin


NAME                TYPE     DATA   AGE
minimum2-gw-admin   Opaque   1      75m

To get the passsord from the secret the following command oc get secret minimum2-gw-admin -ojson | jq .data.password | sed -e s/\"//g | base64 -d

Then run the following command

top;config;show gateway-peering-status

This returns the follow entries for each peer member. api-probe          0               0                  ok          yes gwd                0               0                  ok          yes rate-limit         0               0                  ok          yes subs               0               0                  ok          yes