API Connect v2018 has the ability to configure vanity Urls for the API Endpoints . Vanity URLs allow the api developer/administrator to change how the endpoint is rendered in the API Connect Developer portal. This is useful if you wish to go via a CDN or there is a requirement for each catalog having a different URL subdomain.

Instructions on how to configure this in API Connect can be found here https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSMNED_2018/com.ibm.apic.apionprem.doc/create_env.html (step 15)

However once you have configured this in API Connect though you ned to ensure that there is network connectivity on that address to the gateway endpoint. If you have changed the hostname or domain one or two additional steps are required.

  1. Configure the dns entry for the new hostname
  2. Configure the ingress/routes (only if API Connect is working on v2018 with ingress/routes).

Configure the dns entry for the new hostname

This is a simple standard task for your enterprises network team. They need to ensure that the DNS entry points to either the gateway (if not in k8s) or the ingress (if in k8s). This would be a standard a-name or c-name record pointing to the IP / Hostname of the gateway or ingress.

Configure the the ingress / routes

In order to ensure we are routing on the new hostname in ingress to the correct pod in Kubernetes we need to create an ingress/routes entry.

Note: Routes is the open shift version of ingress, though opens shift often runs both routes and ingress in parallel.

Sample routes

apiVersion: route.openshift.io/v1
kind: Route
    haproxy.router.openshift.io/balance: roundrobin
    ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
  name: <vanityhost-ref-name>-gw
  namespace: apic02
  host: gw2.ibmcp4i.com
    targetPort: 9443
    termination: passthrough
    kind: Service
    name: <GatewayService>
    weight: 100
  wildcardPolicy: None