This article explains how in API Connect 2018.4.1.8 you can persist additional configuration to DataPower.

DataPower has a plethora of uses and configuration options. In order to exploit these in API Connect the configuration needs to be enabled directly in DataPower. In physical and virtual appliances this is not a problem as the state is persisted, however in Kubernetes by default state is not stored.

In order to persist additional DataPower config in Kubernetes the DataPower cfg file needs to be placed in the helm chart and referenced from the APICUP.

Additional Configuration and Domains

1 Create or extend a file called dp-extravaluesfile.yaml in the APICUP project directory 2 Add the following lines into the file

  - domain: "<Domain Name>"
    config: "<Config File>"
Domain Name the domain name that the config file must be applied to, this can be default, apiconnect or a new domain. If the domain does not exist it is created.
Config File Config file name that contains the datapower configuration. This can be extract from an existing DataPower file system in the config directory

3 To add the extra values file to the APICUP config tun the following Command apicup subsys set <gwy> extra-values-file <path to dp-extravaluesfile.yaml>

4 Now follow the steps in the Deployment section below.

Additional Local files

1 Put each file that needs to be loaded into datapower into a directory for the domain. e.g.


2 Tar up all of the directories into a single tar file. 3 Create or extend a file called dp-extravaluesfile.yaml in the APICUP project directory 4 Add the following lines into the file

  additionalLocalTar: "<localtar>"
localtar name of the tar file to be applied

5 To add the extra values file to the APICUP config run the following Command apicup subsys set <gwy> extra-values-file <path to dp-extravaluesfile.yaml>

6 Now follow the steps in the deployment section below.


If certificates need to be loaded into the datapower, first load the certificate as a secret into kubernetes.

1 Create or extend a file called dp-extravaluesfile.yaml in the APICUP project directory

2 Add the following lines into the file

  - domain: "<DP Domain>"
    secret: "<Kubernetes secret name>"

The Kubernetes secret name will be the name used for the certificate in the cert:// in datapower.

3 To add the extra values file to the APICUP config run the following Command apicup subsys set <gwy> extra-values-file <path to dp-extravaluesfile.yaml>

4 Now follow the steps in the deployment section below.


In order to apply these changes the helm chart needs to include these files, in 2018.4.1.8fp1 this is not an automatic action.

  1. Run the following command to export the helm chart apicup subsys install <gwy> --out gateway
  2. Go into the gateway/helm directory
  3. Extract the dynamic-gateway-service tar file. tar zxvf dynamic-gateway-service*tgz
  4. Copy the DataPower Config File and/or the localtar file referenced in the previous sections into the ./dynamic-gateway-service/ directory
  5. Tar up the helm chart tar zcvf dynamic-gateway-service*tgz dynamic-gateway-service
  6. Run this command to install the helm chart apicup subsys install <gwy> --plan-dir gateway
  7. If this is an upgrade to an existing DataPower the DataPower Pods must be restarted after the apicup command

Now whenever DataPower restarts it will re run the DataPower config and load the local files into the local disk.


Script to assist the Deployment

mv gwy gwy-$(date +%s)
apicup subsys install gwy --out  gwy
cd gwy/helm/
tar zxvf dynamic-gateway-service-1.0.49.tgz
cp ../../websocket.* dynamic-gateway-service
tar czvf dynamic-gateway-service-1.0.49.tgz dynamic-gateway-service
cd ../..
apicup subsys install gwy --plan-dir gwy