Using CLI toolkit

Configuring the session timeout can be configured using the API Connect CLI. For the instructions below the following variables are substituted.

Term Definition Default
server The API Connect Cloud Manager Hostname  
user The API Connect Manager Username  
password The API Connect Manager User Password  
realm API Connect Cloud Manager admin/default-idp-1
  • Login cloud console using CLI Command Toolkit:
apic login -s <server> -r <realm> -u <user> -p <password>
  • Create a text file titled cloud-setting.yaml with the contents listed below with the desired timeout.
access_token_expires_in: 28800
  • After changing the file value, Run below command to update the modified file within same directory
apic cloud-settings:update cloud-setting.yaml --server <server>
  • Proceed to logout
apic logout --server <server>