In a Container Service like IKS Object Storage can be selected as the back storage destination for the Management and Portal subsystems. Knowledge Center contains guidance for the parameters for the backups (set with apicup tool) but for clarity here is some guidance on how these translate to the values you need to extract from your Container Service and use.

Component Parameter Description
Management cassandra-backup-host The private endpoint for the Bucket / region (e.g.
Management cassandra-backup-path The “Bucket Name” from your Container Service Object Storage.
Management cassandra-backup-auth-user The username of the Service Account in the Container Service.
Management cassandra-backup-auth-pass The password of the Service Account in the Container Service (apicup –validate will encrypt this value).
Management cassandra-backup-protocol The Backup Protocol e.g. ObjStore
Management cassandra-backup-schedule The cronjob backup schedule e.g. "0 0 * * *"
Portal site-backup-host The private endpoint for the Bucket / region (e.g.
Portal site-backup-path The “Bucket Name” from your Container Service Object Storage.
Portal site-backup-auth-user The username of the Service Account in the Container Service.
Portal site-backup-auth-pass The password of the Service Account in the Container Service (apicup –validate will encrypt this value).
Portal site-backup-protocol The Backup Protocol e.g. ObjStore
Portal site-backup-schedule The cronjob backup schedule e.g. "0 0 * * *"

These parameters are set / re-set with the apicup apicup subsys set management portal commands and then instantiated with the apicup subsys install management portal command.