A few months back I wrote an article on how to get a quick dns working for working with API Connect 2018. This is another strategy that you can do at your own risk. www.dot.tk allow you to register a free domain, that is free for 12 months. You can then use their DNS server. I recommend fully reading the T&Cs of dot.tk first.

Dot.tk off a service to register a free domain on some of the lesser known domain endpoints. I have registered www.bored-prawn.cf as well as cminion.cf.

Once you have registered your domain you can configure A and C NAME records to point to the ingress for your API Connect.

This is great for two reasons,

  1. [If you move or redeploy your stack you can keep the endpoints the same]
  2. [It looks better then using xip.]

I recommend that you create an A or CNAME record to act as a parent. This should point to the ingress. And then create CNAME records for each endpoint that point to the parent.

I have no connection to dot.tk other then a free customer.

By Chris Phillips on November 8, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.