I was asked to install ICP on AWS for a demo.

My friendly local tech seller linked me to the terraform scripts. These can be cloned from https://github.com/IBM/deploy-ibm-cloud-private/tree/master/terraform/aws

The read me is very informative, in summary

  1. [Upload your ICP binary to S3 in the same region you wish to deploy ICP to.]
  2. [Create a user in AWS with full admin rights.]
  3. [Create an SSH Key Pair]
  4. [Install Terraform locally]
brew install terraform #for osx

3. Create a file calledterraform.tfvars and place it in the aws directory you cloned

access_key = “<AWS Access Key>”
secret_key = “<AWS Secret Key>”
aws_region = “us-east-2”
key_name = “<SSH Key Pair>”
image_location = “s3://<S3 bucket>/ibm-cloud-private-x86_64–3.1.0.tar.gz” #Location of the install binary
icp_inception_image = “ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.0-ee”
azs = [“a”]

If you need it deployed over multiple availability zones change the last line to


4. Edit the the variables.tf file and update the bastion variable so it has nodes=1

variable "bastion" {
  type = "map"
  default = {
    nodes     = "1"
    type      = "t2.micro"
    ami       = "" // Leave blank to let terraform search for Ubuntu 16.04 ami. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION
    disk      = "10" //GB

5. If you do not want an HA environment, modify the veraiables.tf and replace all lines where nodes = “3” to nodes = “1”

6. run

terraform apply

Wait about 60–90 minutes.

7. When the terraform script comes to an ending (20–30mins) it then starts a silent installer for ICP. This takes another hour ish. If it fails to install you need to ssh to the Bastion node, then ssh to the master. The log file is in /var/log/cloud-init.output.log

Notes: If you are installing 3.1 of ICP you need to make a slight change to the installer, I have created a pull request and I am awaiting for it to be accepted or declined. My fork is available here, https://github.com/ChrisPhillips-cminion/deploy-ibm-cloud-private . But I will not be keeping this updated with other changes to the master.

By Chris Phillips on September 20, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.