APIConnect 2018 and Ingress in Public Clouds

**When installing API Connect 2018 to any pubic cloud solution the ingress needs to be modified to allow for SSL Pass through. The purpose of this series is to explain how to it for each Cloud Service.New Public Cloud offerings will be added as I use them. If you would like to advise on other environments please comment below.

IBM Kubernetes Services (IKS)Edit each of the API Connect ingress files for the DataPower, Portal and Analytics``` kubectl edit ing

In the Metadata.Annotations add the following line.

ingress.bluemix.net/ssl-services: “ssl-service= [ssl-secret=];ssl-service= [ssl-secret=]” ``` Please read for more information<https://console.bluemix.net/docs/containers/cs_annotations.html#ssl-services>By [Chris Phillips](https://medium.com/@cminion) on [September 7, 2018](https://medium.com/p/6b0160eaf447).[Canonical link](https://medium.com/series/apiconnect-2018-and-ingress-in-public-clouds-6b0160eaf447)Exported from [Medium](https://medium.com) on April 6, 2019.