So I spent a few hours this morning trying to get the ISTIO sample running to see if i can rewrite some of my home micro sevices using ISTIO.

curl -o /dev/null -s -w “%\n” http://$/productpage`

When i ran the above command i got a 404.

The GATEWAY_URL that is generated from the commands listed on the page were provided was incorrect.

If you do not have a Load Balancer run

kubectl get endpoints --all-namespaces | grep ingress

this returns

istio-system   istio-ingressgateway          ,, + 4 more...    40m

This will show you the IP and Port for the Gateway URL. in the example above it is

As I have proven many times in the past I am terrible at reading documentation so I am sure this is documented somewhere. However I am sure I am not the only one.

By Chris Phillips on August 4, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.