This article goes through the steps required to deploy IBM DataPower to the IBM Bluemix Kubernetes Services.


· Bluemix Kubernetes Services Deployed

· Bluemix Container Registry Deployed in the same data centre as the Kubernetes Service

· Helm installed locally

· apicup installed locally

· kubectl installed locally

Upload the DataPower image to the Container Registry

docker pull ibmcom/datapower:latest docker tag ibmcom/datapower:latest <bluemix> server>/<namespace>/ibmcom/datapower:latest bx cr login #log into the container registry docker push <bluemix server>/<namespace>/ibmcom/datapower:latest


<namespace> is the container registry namespace configured

<bluemix server> the server the container registry is running on

Create the Configuration

Set up kubectl

ibmcloud cs cluster-config <kubernetes cluster>


<kubernetes cluster> is the name of your cluster

Run the export command returned

If you are not running in the default namespace you must run the following command

kubectl get secret bluemix-default-secret-regional -o yaml | sed> ‘s/default/<kube namespace>/g’

Run the following commands

helm init apicup init dpIBMBlueMix cd dpIBMBlueMix apicup subsys create gw gateway — k8s ; apicup endpoints set gw gateway>>; #ensure this is regsitered in your dns> server pointing tothe worker node apicup endpoints set gw gateway-director> #ensure this is regsitered in your dns> server pointing tothe worker node apicup subsys set gw namespace “<kube namespace>“ ; apicup subsys set gw max-cpu 2 ; apicup subsys set gw max-memory-gb 4 ; apicup subsys set gw replica-count 1 ; apicup subsys set gw image-repository <bluemix> server>/<namespace>/ibmcom/datapower> apicup subsys set gw image-tag “latest” apicup subsys set gw registry-secret bluemix-<kube> namespace>-secret-regional apicup subsys set gw mode demo apicup subsys install gw


<namespace> is the container registry namespace configured

<bluemix server> the server the container registry is running on

<kube namespace> the kubernetes namespace is the API Endpoint Base is the Gateway Service endpoint

Configure the DNS Server

run the following command

ibmcloud cs cluster-get <kubernetes cluster> | grep Subdomain


<kubernetes cluster> is the name of your cluster

in the DNS Server create an alias between the two URLs in the previous section and the result of the command above.

Modify Ingress

kubectl get ing

edit the the ingress file for the entries with dynamic-gateway-service in the name

kubectl edit ing <release>-dynamic-gateway-service -o yaml


kubectl edit ing <release>-dynamic-gateway-service-gw -o yaml

Add the following lines to the metadata.annotations


The datapower is now ready to be registered in the Cloud Manager of your APIC 2018 stack.

By Chris Phillips on July 24, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.