There are a million guides out there but as I always googled this I thought I would post the answer here.

Simple set the PS1 environmental variable in to .bashrc or .bash_profile

PS1=’#[\D\] $(whoami)\e[0m \e[1m$PWD$/ \e[0m >>> ‘

this gives me

#[2018–04–04 08:45:21] cminion /home/cminion$/ >>>


\D\ -  provides the date
$PWD$ - provides the pwd output
whoami - provides the current user

Note: that if you use commands like date or pwd in there it will take the first value when the PS1 is set (i.e. when a new bash prompt is opened).

By Chris Phillips on April 4, 2018.

Canonical link

Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.