MQ in Docker, removing the tie to the QMGR Process - Docker Staying Alive
So recently Aiden Gallagher (Another IBM Intergration SME) and I were trying to do API Connect in BM integration with an MQ Docker instance also running in BM, with SSL.
I am by no means an MQ expert and we found that when ever we restarted the MQ QMGR it would kill the docker container. This was because the container was written in such a way that when the QMGR process ends the container shuts down.
Now there are a number of good reasons for this however it is infuritating at times!
So I forked the IBM MQ Docker and made some minor changes. You can see my fork here.
mq-docker - Sample Docker image for IBM®
The key things I changed.
- [I added a keep alive function. This is runs that monitors the QM t then runs a while 1 loop to ensure the process does not end.]
while true; do
echo "sleeping for 100000s"
sleep 100000
2. I modified to remove the checks to wait for the process to end. I.e. I commented line 38 onwards out.
3. I modified the DockerFile to run not i.e. i changed the last line to the following
4. (Optional) I created a that would clean up, build, start and tail the logs of a container.
docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)
docker build -t cminion/mq .
docker run \
--env LICENSE=accept \
--env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 \
--publish 1414:1414 \
--publish 9443:9443 \
--detach \
--name mq cminion/mq
docker logs -f mq
Thats it! Now just to work out how to enable SSL!
By Chris Phillips on July 17, 2017.
Exported from Medium on April 6, 2019.