Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

APIConnect 2018: Replacing Certificates


QuickNote: Deploying on ICP 3.1.1 and you don't know what you are doing.

ICP 3.1.1 is locked down.

I used the following PSP to remove all the locked down settings. Please only use this for POC and POTs, and be aware you are weakening your environment.


Roadsweeper - Kubernetes Job Cleaner

Holiday Project Part 3

During my two weeks off of work I set myself the challenge to move as much of my home network infrastructure to Kubernetes as possible. My wife has often questioned “Why do you need any network Infrastructure, other then a wifi point?”. This article is still not going to address that question.

Roadsweeper - Kubernetes Job Cleaner


VPNServer running Kubernetes

 Holiday Project Part 2

During my two weeks off of work I set myself the challenge to move as much of my home network infrastructure to Kubernetes as possible. My wife has often questioned “Why do you need any network Infrastructure, other then a wifi point?”. This article is still not going to address that question.

VPNServer running Kubernetes


PiHole DNS Server running in Kubernetes 

Holiday Project Part 1

During my two weeks off of work I set myself the challenge to move as much of my home network infrastructure to Kubernetes as possible. My wife has often questioned “Why do you need any network Infrastructure, other then a wifi point?”. This article is not going to address that question.


OpenLDAP with Samba

So like all good techies I have spent my week off setting up my home LDAP because I need to ensure my kids (8 and 6) need to learn about enterprise computing.

OpenLDAP is an Open Source User Registry. Samba is a file sharing system that allows you to share files across a network. The aim here is to allow users to log into the samba service with users from the LDAP.


QuickNote: Kubernetes --- Networking Issues

I am writing this because I assume I am not the only idiot in the world. This has caused me to waste days of effort.


Custom Certs in API Connect 2018

When generating your own certificates for use with API connect you need to ensure the x509 extension options are correctly set.


API Connect 2018 for POC and POT without xip dns.

A few months back I wrote an article on how to get a quick dns working for working with API Connect 2018. This is another strategy that you can do at your own risk. www.dot.tk allow you to register a free domain, that is free for 12 months. You can then use their DNS server.

QuickNote : Network not working on ubuntu cosmic

I installed ubuntu cosmic and upgraded so everything was on the latest package in the ubuntu repos.
