Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

Helm v2 - Error: error installing: the server could not find the requested resource

If you are on a early version of helm and you try to run helm init on Kubernetes 1.16 or later you get the following error.

` Error: error installing: the server could not find the requested resource `


API Connect - Fishing you Pod metrics into Prometheus with APIConnect Trawler

Trawler Logo

Trawler is a metrics exporter for IBM API Connect, allowing Kuberentes metrics to be sent to Prometheus.


APIConnect v10 - Error while registering portal or analytics service.

The following error while registering the Portal or Analytics service means a step was missed when installing API Connect.


API Connect v10 - Install on IKS with IBM Entitlement Registry

API Connect v10 was released on the 16 th of June 2020. This guide shows you the steps to take a vanilla IKS 1 - 17 to a fully working APIC v10.


API Connect v10 - DataPower Pods are not created after Gateway CR is applied

When installing gateway sub component this can fail if stale webhooks are not cleaned up first.


API Connect v10 - unable to delete namespace

Deleting an entire namespace to clean up a failed installed is not an uncommon action.


API Connect v10 - unable to delete mangement cr
Guest Post by Luke Raus Chris Phillips

When deploying API Connect it is possible that the postgres does not start due to user error. (Most commonly due to invalid image registry url).


APIConnect v10 unable to load images into registry because of x509: certificate signed by unknown authority - Sellf signed certificate

When using the image-tool to load images into your docker registry with a self signed certificate you will see the following error.


OpenShift enabling the Image Registry route and pushing image.

When installing OpenShift 4.3+ there is no default route created for the image registry. Therefore we are unable to load in images from outside of the cluster.


Calling DB2's Rest interface from API Connect
Guest Post by Lars Fanebost

Lars Fanebost put together this awesome guide on calling DB2 from inside of API connect. This is taken from https://github.com/lfanebost/api-connect-exposing-db-data-pub/
