Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

API Connect v10 WhitePaper 1.4 released

Just a quick note to say I have released version 1.4 of the API Connect v10.x Whitepaper. The changes are relatively minor, regarding the simplifying of the quorum explanation and changes to the recommended storage section.


Applying API Governance Part 3 – Linting

This is part three of a series on how to apply governance in API Connect. Governance is sometimes considered a taboo topic because when people imagine governance, they see red tape that stifles progress. If governance is designed properly it can provide a single approach for all parts of the project with minimal impact on the development rate.

Linting is the process of validating files prior to deployment to catch the low hanging fruit. With APIs we would expect to link the OpenAPI Specification both syntactically as well as allowing for custom validation to be run to ensure governance standards are met.


Keycloak endpoints

Retrieving the endpoints for Oauth2 and OIDC with KeyCloak is often painful. Unless you know this trick.


Deploying Analytics in a different Cloud

API Connect supports deploying each of their components on different clouds and managing them from a single API Management server. This article goes through the steps on how to do this in OpenShift and Kubernetes. ​


Pipelines :: How and why to use them to deploy Products and APIs into API Connect

Pipelines are in fashion. They provide an important part of a modern development approach. A typical pipeline takes artefacts from git, builds and then deploys them. Customers often ask for advice on how to create and build pipeline for API Connect. Pipelines combine the stages of automated build, linting/syntax testing, continuous/automated deploy and continuous/automated testing. I will go through each of these stages and explain how to apply them to API Connect ​


What is a volume mode?!

My friend and colleague Cesar, put together this great article on volume modes.


Applying API Governance Part 2 – How do I optimize my teams and infrastructure to provide the best API factory with decentralised teams?

This is part two of a series on how to apply governance in API Connect. Governance is sometimes considered a taboo topic because when people imagine governance, they see red tape that stifles progress. If governance is designed properly it can provide a single approach for all parts of the project with minimal impact on the development rate.

A question I often am asked is “How do we split out our API Connect estate in order to meet the need of our development teams?” The answer is always, “How does your development organization work today?”. This article will provide you with a strategy for splitting your development effort and API Connect estate when working with decentralised teams for the API Manager only.


New Theme!

There has been a facelift!


Setting the DataPower Password on deployment using ExtraValueFiles

Using K8s Secrets it is possible to set the DataPower so it does not use the default admin/admin password on deployment. This is true for both v10 and v2018. However it is a little known secret.


DataPower and MQ in Docker on your laptop

A question I am regularly asked is how do I make DataPower and MQ run on my laptop together, This guide gives you a step by step guide to get the basics up and running. This is a skunkworks environment only
