Happy Goat for Life! Chris Phillips' Blog - API, Integration and Governance SME and Enthusiast

API Connect Health Check Endpoints to monitor system stability

As an API Connect platform management team being able to confirm the API Manager and Gateway are working as expected is critical. The API Manager and the Gateway both have key endpoints that should be monitored to determine platform health.


[Link] Analytics Rollover and Retention in API Connect v10.0.5

Geraint is one of the Senior Engineers in the API Connect Analytics Squad. He has written a great article on how Rollover and Retention is handled in APIC V10.0.5.




[Link] API error handling, why should you care?

This is a great article by Rashid on handling API errors! https://rashidaljohani.github.io/API-error-handling-why-should-you-care/



API Connect v10 Replacing DataPower API Invocation SSL Certificate

API Connect sends DataPower the certifcate it needs to present to end users. This needs to be replaced manually during certificate rotation.


API Connect filtering by Source IP

Today someone asked me once again how we can filter calls so that we are able to have an allow list or deny list of APIs for API Calls.


API Connect with OPA

Today is the day I first learnt about OPA…. I am unsure how this has never come to my attention before. For those of you who are not aware OPA is a OpenPolicyAgent that provides a standardised ways to enforce policies, at Kubernetes, Envoys or Application level. Please go to https://openpolicyagent.org/ for more details.


Protecting the routes out of the castle. Five advantages for exposing external APIs and services as internal APIs to your own developers.

Protecting APIs inside of your business so external consumers can be policed is a recognised and well understood pattern. However, what about APIs from outside of your business that that are consumed by your internal developers.

Useful Shell Commands - Update 1

I take a bit of pride in my one-line shell commands. However, I always end up starting from first principles each time. This article will be a living document that will contain the useful commands that I use. These will start simple and get more complex towards the end.


If an API is published and no one is told, does it have value?

API Consumers, the only API Success Criteria

API Consumers are what dictate the value to an API Estate. This document goes through the key values of an API and how focusing on the consumer allows an API to be successful.


API Connect - Rest call to retrieve APPs and Consumer Org information.

API Connect has two Rest Interfaces, one for consumer users the other for provider users. This article will go through how to retrieve applications with the provider (platform) api.
